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Karuna Reiki with Energetic Cleansing

1 h 30 min
150 US dollars
North Ogden Street

Service Description

Introducing: Karuna Reiki with Energetic Cleansing - A compassionate approach to holistic healing. Service Overview: Dive into the depths of Karuna Reiki, a compassionate energy work rooted in the belief of taking action to alleviate others’ suffering. This specialized Reiki form brings forth the healing properties of compassion and kindness, providing a guiding light through one’s personal darkness. Energetic cleansing techniques further elevate the experience, ensuring the clearing of blockages and the harmonization of your energy field. Additionally, this session offers therapeutic benefits akin to talk therapy without the need to vocalize or relive challenging memories. What are the physical benefits? • Enhanced relaxation and reduction of physical stress. What are the mental and emotional benefits? • Increased self-awareness, inner peace, and emotional clarity. • Breakthroughs in personal challenges and trauma without re-experiencing them. What are the spiritual and energetic benefits? • Harmonization of energy centers and chakras. • Enhanced connection to one’s inner self and the compassionate universe. We recommend this service for clients: Experiencing: Emotional turmoil, mental blockages, or spiritual disconnect. Needing: Compassionate guidance, energy rebalancing, and emotional clarity. Wanting: An enriched sense of inner peace, understanding, and self-awareness. Connecting: With the profound energy of compassion and the universe’s healing powers. Embrace the compassionate embrace of Karuna Reiki combined with the purifying benefits of energetic cleansing. Embark on a transformative journey towards inner peace and balance. Secure your session today for a holistic healing experience.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please give us notice at least 2 hours in advance. We understand that life happens and we are willing to work with our clients. A $25 fee will be charged for a no-call and no-show.

Contact Details

  • Nouri Energi, 1761 North Ogden Street, Denver, CO 80218, USA


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