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  • 2 hours
  • 120 US dollars
  • North Ogden Street

Service Description

Introducing: Discover Polarity, a unique energetic bodywork technique designed to ground and rejuvenate you. Service Overview: Polarity seamlessly integrates movement, rocking, and pressure point methodologies to guide the body towards a profound state of relaxation. By addressing the body’s energetic polarities, it creates an equilibrium that fosters both grounding and rejuvenation. What are the physical benefits? Releases muscular tension, improves circulation, and revitalizes the body’s energy flow. What are the mental and emotional benefits? Eases mental chatter, encourages relaxation, and offers a refuge from daily stresses. What are the spiritual and energetic benefits? Aligns the body’s energetic poles, establishes harmony, and connects one with their inner calm. We recommend this service for clients: Experiencing: Chronic tension, restlessness, or a persistent feeling of being ungrounded. Needing: A conduit to achieve true bodily relaxation. Wanting: A respite from the mental whirlwind and an entrance into tranquility. Connecting: With their body’s inherent energy polarities to establish a deeper sense of grounding. Journey into a state of profound relaxation. Book your Polarity session now and experience grounding like never before.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please give us notice at least 2 hours in advance. We understand that life happens and we are willing to work with our clients. A $25 fee will be charged for a no-call and no-show.

Contact Details

  • Nouri Energi, 1761 North Ogden Street, Denver, CO 80218, USA


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